Data Table performance issue

I’m getting terrible performance, to the point of page unresponsiveness, when using the Data Table component, especially when using paging or search. The issue is happening no matter which database table I bind to it. There is no meaningful activity in the browser’s Network tab, so the issue seems to be in the generated page code. This is the first time I see this happening, Data Tables have always worked well for me. Please help. I use Data Tables a lot. My app ID is 0638FF14-A63F-FA61-FF44-12DE2E171600.

I just tested the app container I deployed to an external server some days ago (last week I think) and the Data Tables there work perfectly. This makes me think that something changed in Backendless’s component or page generation in the past few days that is affecting Data Tables. I look forward to feedback.

Hello @Marc_Chriqui

Could you tell me the page name where happens this issue, and provide some testing credentials?

Hi. I will message you directly.

Please message me as well.

Hi @Marc_Chriqui

Thanks for reporting us about the problem and sorry for the inconvenience!

We were able to reproduce the issue and we already fixed it. It’s going to be available on the prod in a couple of minutes. In order to get the latest build of the UI-SDK just refresh the Console and open the UI-Builder designer, it will load the latest UI-SDK.

Regards, Vlad

Works great now! Thanks for the quick resolution.