Database relationships are broken

Hi team,

Since last week-end, we are facing an issue with our database.

The database a few tables that share relationships.
The creations of the tables, auto-generated UUIDs and relationships are triggered by actions on our web-app (out of Backendless).
The web-app is all ok, nothing has been changed recently, but since last week, some relationships are broken and auto-generated UUID don’t work anymore.

Could you, please, investigate and let us know what happened?
Is it possible that the issue is from your side?

Thanks for your help!

Hi, @Flrn

We will be happy to help you. Please provide us with your App Id. Also, I would like to ask you some questions to better understand your issue.
Which tables in your app are you having issue with?
What exactly do you mean by auto-generated UUIDs ? Perhaps it’s a block in the UI-builder section!?
After what actions and what exactly do you see, what errors or maybe something else?

Any information would help us better understand your situation. Please describe the steps with which we can reproduce your issue.


Hi Marina,

Thanks for your reply.

Excuse us, the issue was from our side.
We uploaded a new API Services, but without the scripts so the Relationships couldn’t be made.
It’s all good!

You can delete the post.

Thanks again.