DB datetime difference query


I wanted some assistance on how to write a where clause for a db query where results returned are within a certain time frame.
For example: Return only user entries that were last updated 24 hours ago.

I looked at the DATEDIFF function but I don’t know how to structure this.


Hi @Innocent_Nwaukwa

You can use functions or a combination of functions from this documentation: Database Functions - Backendless REST API Documentation.
For example, in your query, you can write a condition like this:

DATEDIFF(NOW(), updated) >= 1

Here, DATEDIFF will return the difference in days between two dates and will accordingly return records that were updated yesterday and earlier.
You can also use the function:

DATESUB(NOW(), 24, 'HOUR') > updated

Here, DATESUB will subtract 24 hours from the current time and compare it with the date from the ‘updated’ column.


That explains it perfectly.
