Deepsave returning errors

We have been having errors with the JS API and deepSave since last Thursday

I have code like this:

Backendless.Data.of( "campaigns" ).deepSave( {name: someString, company: {objectId: anExistingObjectid}} )
.then( function( result ) {
.catch( function( error ) {


Originally we were getting this error:
backendless.js:1144 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Cannot read property ‘value’ of undefined

I flagged it in Slack and the reply was: Sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you for letting us know about the issue, we already have an internal ticket for it BKNDLSS-28729. The team will be looking into it today. This issue is of the highest priority to us right now.

We don’t get that error any longer, however every deepSave still returns an error, although in some cases the object is still being created.

I missed this off:

Now we this error -
{“code”:1000,“message”:“Entity with ID deep-save not found”,“errorData”:{}}

Hello @Tony_Goodchild!

Could you please provide a cURL of the request?
This will help us understand exactly what the issue is.


We’re not using curl for this. Just the Backendless JS API following this call here:

The error message is a 400 (Bad Request) on a PUT to:

I meant, could you please find this request in devtools->network and copy like cURL?


Sorry to waste your time on this, looks like it was a faulty event handler on transactions