I’ve found the new SETTINGS for Meta Tags and want to give some feedback here.
It seems that the entered information gets converted to meta-tags with the name
attribute, like <meta name="title" content="My web page">
. This is too restrictive. I would wish to have a “free text” section under SETTINGS, which let me type html tags which are just added to the end of the html header section.
In my html headers, I’m using more types of tags. Some examples:
- Open Graph tags: Used, for instance by facebook and whatsapp to discover web site meta data. Example:
<meta property="og:image:secure_url" content="http://server.com/image_256x256.jpg">
<link rel="manifest" href="webmanifest.json">
to declare the location of a PWA manifest <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="web/be_144x144.png"/>
<meta name="viewport" ...
<link rel="stylesheet" href="...." ...
I know, for 4. and 5. you have Viewport and Libraries at a different place under SETTINGS.
So, please be more open. Let me define my own free-text header section. You will never meet all requirements with your approach, or you will always run after peoples requirements.