Delete file with space in name from UI Builder

Could not delete file with space in filename from UI builder.
Delete works perfect if file has no space in filename.


From logs I see wollowing:

11:2:46.327 | File | DEBUG | Raw filename: smlouvy/dfc65bd8.Backendless+Ownership.jpg
11:2:46.370 | ContractDetail | DEBUG | Delete contract file: smlouvy/dfc65bd8.Backendless+Ownership.jpg

From Network log I see:

{code: 6000, message: "File or directory cannot be found.", errorData: {}}
code: 6000
errorData: {}
message: "File or directory cannot be found."

Could it be a side effect of this change? Path contains prohibited symbols

The odds are there, but it’s low. Related topic was created in the 2016 year.

What I see now, it’s the difference in encoding. You log Backendless+Ownership.jpeg, but as I understand filename contains space, not a plus.

Could you tell me, how you get the file name?
If it comes from our logic I will recommend as a temporary solution replacing + with space in the filename manually.

@Dima Filename I got as a reponse from File Upload component, in log I can see:

11:2:46.327 | File | DEBUG | Raw filename: smlouvy/dfc65bd8.Backendless+Ownership.jpg

This is the code of the log filename

@Dima you are right. After File upload I got a response with + character for every space. When I want to delete this file I need to replace + for a space. This is my solution:
