Delete or Rename a column

How to delete or rename a column using the API/SDK. If this is in the docs somewhere, please point us to it.

Backendless Version (3.x / 5.x, Online / Managed / Pro )

BackendlessSwift: 5.7.6

Client SDK (REST / Android / Objective-C / Swift / JS )

macOS 10.15.3
XCode 11.3.1

Application ID


Expected Behavior

Is there an API/SDK to delete an existing column? Rename a column?

Actual Behavior

The expectation is there would be some way to delete an existing column. For example, during development we may have a class

@objcMembers IceCreamClass: NSObject {
   var name = ""
   var color = ""
   var favorite_pizza_topping = ""

and as we develop our app we discover favorite_pizza_topping is no longer applicable to IceCream objects and want to remove it using the sdk.

Likewise, if we want to change/rename the column to be favorite_icecream_topping. Obviously we could create an additional column and the iterate over all of the objects and copy the data but that would then leave an unused column which should be deleted.

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