Delete table gives Internal server error.

Internal server error with id E755BCF8-E9E3-5E8F-FF2C-5E353A046400

App ID: BA6D604B-62A6-4A96-FF25-51317857DA00

Except that the table isnt getting deleted, I think this is causing my saving of some of my data to fail.

Just a question, what is the easiest way to debug API calls made from a mobile device?


<java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'BA6D604B-62A6-4A96-FF25-51317857DA00.66246F86-8DF2-117C-F.045B8B0B-9B41-F13A-F.46A3E' doesn't exist in engine> 

This is the error I get when I try saving data to the DB at the moment. (If that helps at all)

Hi Niel,

Seems your “category” relation from Media table to MediaCategory table got corrupted somehow.
I manually recreated it and it is working now, please check again and confirm.
Also if you could tell us what led you to this error, it would help us to find the root cause of the problem. So maybe you’ve done some schema editing from console or from code before you started receiving this error?


Thanks Sergey.

Only thing I can think of is that I was removing and adding columns in the Media table. Also deleting and changing relations between new and old table.

So basically everything you can think of :slight_smile:

Is there a way a user can debug something like this?

And was you changing the schema and relations from code or on console?

I don’t think there’s anything a user can do in such situation to fix the problem. The “Internal Server Error” means that something goes wrong on your side, so the best thing you can do is to notify our development team about that trying to describe the problem and the probable causes as much as possible.

I did it all on the console.

Last problem I am having is that I cant delete the table called ‘activitytype’ getting Internal server error with id 5A39329B-9EDE-D6CB-FFA3-595D2F246900

Fixed that too, thanks for reporting.

got the same error now.

Internal server error with id 0A59033B-C195-D794-FFDC-FEF167E8C700

Fixed please, please try again