deployed beforeRegister event not working in production, worked fine in debug

I get no errors when I deploy, but the code doesn’t run. Do I have to do something special to get it to work in production? The event is enabled and Async is turned on. It’s pretty basic stuff.

[INFO] Build successfully: 1 handler, 0 timers

[INFO] Deploying model to server, and starting debug…

[INFO] Model successfully deployed.

[INFO] Waiting for events…

[INFO] Publishing 1 event handler and 0 timers and 0 services to the server…

[INFO] Successfully published all event handlers and timers.

How do you verify that it does not run? Does the code modify the user being registered? Or perhaps uses logging?

Does the registration call go through though? Do you see the user registered and showing up in the Users table?


The same problem with beforeSocialRegister. In debug work good, but in production server return fault “argument type mismatch”.
I can not understand what could be the problem.

Research results: the code is not executed at all, since in the presence of only one throw new BackendlessException still returns the same error “argument type mismatch”.

I have similar issue, I just published some “beforeRemove” handlers. In debug mode everything works fine but in production: I am receiving error: Use async type of request using Backendless with nodeJS.

But interesting thing is that I have 2 handlers for 2 tables with more less same source code. One is working fine (in debug+production) other one dont :frowning: I have no idea why