Deploying production to Dev enviornment

Hi @Baljeet_Singh !

Sorry for delay with response.
In your case Backendless is unable to locate scheme for some of your Codeless services in source app - if you hover your mouse over red icon you will see message about it.

Could you please try to redeploy all your services in Codeless tab and try again to sync changes? During redepoy missing scheme should be created automatically. If simple redeploy will not help you I will create internal ticket and pass it to our engineers for investigation.

Regards, Andriy

Just tried the solution you said

unable to solve


Sorry for inconvenience. I have created internal ticket BKNDLSS-24549 for this problem. Our engineers will look to it as soon as possible.

Regards, Andriy

Hello @Baljeet_Singh,

I have fixed the issue, could you please try again?
The problem was with installed plugins from the marketplace, for some reason they weren’t available.
I have reinstalled them and the error is gone.
Have you installed Apple Login plugin in both apps on your own?


Thanks, It works fine now

I deployed production to the dev environment but I am not able to load Timer Logic designers, can you please check once. Attaching error of console

Just checked, its working in icognito.

It’s very unstable in Dev Env.
I am facing this issue now.

Although I have synced all the production changes to Dev and also I can see the function in dev env.
but still it’s throwing error like that Its not available.

I am trying in incognito as well.

Hi @Baljeet_Singh,

for some reason your timer logic is empty on dev env. I suppose this happen while syncing changes.
Is this the only issue you have or you are facing same errors in other timers?

May be only this m not sure. I just deployed and tried whatever was prior.
I tried to re deploy as well in dev env. but it didn’t work.

Thanks for info @Baljeet_Singh ,

we have made some changes, we need to check it right after the nearest release.
I’ll keep you informed here about any progress.
Sorry for the inconvenience!


Thank you, @stanislaw.grin

Any update on this! :slight_smile:

Hi @Baljeet_Singh ,

may I try to sync changes from your prod app into dev?


Unfortunately the fix does not work. We keep looking for a solution to the problem.
Thank you for your patience!


Ok, any Idea @stanislaw.grin
Its very tough to maintain if I work in producton continuesly. :frowning_face:

Hello @Baljeet_Singh,

I was looking for a workaround for you and can suggest the following way to sync codeless business logic.

  1. In you source app go to Files → servercode and click Zip Directory
  2. The zipped servercode directory will appear in the root files, download it to your local machine
  3. In your target app go to Files → servercode, remove (or temporary just rename) two directories: CODELESS and node_modules
  4. From zipped servercode directory take CODELESS and node_modules directories and upload them into your target’s servercode foder. So here we just replace target folders with the same folders from source app.
  5. Go to Business Logic → Coding and deploy each model you have.
  6. Check everything is synced and working.

I know this sounds a little tricky, but thats working solution.

I already went through this procedure for your application, so you don’t need to do anything now other than check that your test environment is working.


So I will zip code from production and deploy to DEV env?
The first step is with production only right?

Yes, the first step (zipping directory) is with production only. Zipping does not affect in any way on your app, so it’s safe to do.