(void)application:(UIApplication *)application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)deviceToken {
NSString *deviceTokenStr = [backendless.messagingService deviceTokenAsString:deviceToken];
NSLog(@"-> deviceToken = %@", deviceTokenStr);@try {
NSString *deviceRegistrationId = [backendless.messagingService registerDeviceToken:deviceTokenStr];
NSLog(@"-> registerDeviceToken: deviceRegistrationId = %@", deviceRegistrationId);
@catch (Fault *fault) {
NSLog(@"-> registerDeviceToken: FAULT = %@", fault);
I’m using the above code to start a process where the app queries backendLess for any new objects for a given table based on “created” field.
Recently my app has been hanging at launch for 30 seconds or more and then kicking out the following message on the console:
(-[AppDelegate application:didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:]) (AppDelegate.m:192) -> registerDeviceToken: FAULT = FAULT = ‘-1001’ [NSURLErrorDomain] <The request timed out.>
and then proceeding with App Launch - when I do a push notification to the app in background it works but that I presume is because I am testing and the app has previously registered for push notifications. Obviously this is not a cool user experience, i.e. waiting an additional 30-45 seconds for the app to launch. Is there some maintenance going on at BackendLess?
Is there someway to put the try-catch statement off of the main loop? Is this how you normally do it? Thank you - I’m going to check the examples