We’ve connected this Firebase app with the backendless app via Android server token
We’ve create an Android app that connects with Firebase and get a token, then we use this Firebase token to make a succesfully backendless registration to the default channel (registration verified into “registration” data table)
We’ve send a push notification to the mobile app with Firebase: it works properly
We’ve send the push notification to the mobile app via Backendless (1 estimated recipient) and it is simply ignored.
Where sould we take a look to fix the problem? It seems everything ok to us…
You will not be able to receive messages via Backendless as no devices are registered in your app (DeviceRegistration table). You also need to add a Firebase server key in Android Mobile Settings in order to send notifications successfully. For more information on how to configure the Firebase app and what settings you need to make in your Bacendless app, you can read the following section of the documentation:
Can you please provide us with the cURL you use to send the push notification? Or do you do it through the push notification management window in Backendless console?
Also make sure that you are sending the push notification to the “default” channel and in the Android Server Keys the key is added either for all channels or for the “default” channel.
If there is still a problem, please specify your APP ID.
Have you checked the status of the notifications sent? If not, please do so, you can see how to do this in the documentation below. What do you see in the message status? Are there any errors?
You can use the REST API as an example to do this. In the response you will see the messageId. Using the messageId you will be able to check the status.
Just checked the push notifications in your app. The status of the message says that it has been sent. I also checked the pushes in my app in the European cluster and everything works.
Try another device (e.g. Android emulator)?
I also recommend you check if the Android Server key is correct. And make sure you generate the right google-services.json file (in case you have multiple projects).
You can check the status of the message as follows:
MessageId will be returned after you send the push notification.
use this URL: https://eu-api.backendless.com/{{Application ID}}/{{REST API Key}}/messaging/{{MessageId}} to check the message status
If the push notification was not sent for some reason, the response will contain an error.
Hello @Inna_Shkolnaya , nothing arrives here on my mobile. It’s a real Andoid App (no emulator) so I don’t understand where the problem is. I’ll follow your suggestions carefully once again to check if I missed something and I’ll send a feedback asap.
Hello @Inna_Shkolnaya , I’ve just repeated carefully all the procedure and the Push notification is sent succesfully from the registered device but nothing arrives. Just a doubt: should I activate some kind of listener in order to catch the push notification after registering the device?
It is more likely that the issue is with the device registration. Go through the steps of registering your device again. As described in this documentation - Device Registration API - Backendless SDK for JavaScript API Documentation. Try to register another device (e.g. Android emulator). Then try sending messages via rest or any other convenient option. Then check the status of the message (as we recommended above) to see if there are any errors related to receiving (or processing) push notifications.
If you are still unable to identify the cause, can you send us your google-services.json to support@backendless.com? This would let us try using your configuration to see if the issue can be reproduced.
Hello @Marina.Kan , I did everithing carfefully. The device seems to register correctly, I’ve sent a push notification from the app and the response has no error. The push message seems correctly delivered. But I don’t receive the message. I’ll sent the google-services.json file to the support email.