Discuss Button Topped and system Error Notification shown

Application ID: 7707245F-06B5-64A7-FF6C-88505D473400

Where clause 'discussion.context = 'Missions' AND discussion.itemId = 'LET'S PUSH Send a push notification from console using a push template '' is invalid

Problem description

Describe what you did in console that led to the error. Please provide a description of what actually happens. Be descriptive: “it doesn’t work” does not describe what the behavior actually is. This will help us with reproducing the problem.

Steps to reproduce

Please describe steps to reproduce starting from the first action.

  1. Just followed the video Instruction for this Mission
  2. Set up Push Message template and clicked Send and Save button
  3. The confirmation that the message has been sent and saved notification showed, but no reward followed, so clicked discuss button on Mission Instruction then the error notice showed.

Hi @Alejandro_Tamonan

Thank you for sharing this issue with us!
We were able to reproduce the problem.
Once we fixed it we release to the prod and notify you here in the topic.


Hi guys,

Any updates? Really keen on completing these missions and then once I’m confident that self will be able to build an application for my work, then will upgrade my subscription. I don’t want to fall into the same trap again of being lured into a paid subscription and not enough support…


Hi @Alejandro_Tamonan,

the issue was fixed, but not released yet.
For now I can share with you instructions for the “Send a push notification from console using a push template” task:

For this task to be recognized as complete, the following conditions must be met:

  1. A device must be registered with Backendless. This has already been done in a previous task (from the PUSH COMMANDER mission).
  2. A push notification template is created. This also has already been done in a previous task (from the PUSH COMMANDER mission).
  3. A push notification sent from Backendless Console from a push template is delivered to your device.

Watch the video below for a demonstration of the steps required to complete this task:

Here is an instructions for the second task:
Task: Send a push notification from console with smart text

With this task you will send out a push notification with smart text using a push template with Backendless Console. The “Smart Text” feature lets you customize and personalize the content of the push notifications sent out by Backendless. Smart text can reference properties/columns of the Users table or the properties from all related tables.

For this task to be recognized as complete, the following conditions must be met:

  1. The Users table has the name column, of type STRING.
  2. **Create a user account in the Users table. (It is OK to do it in Console).
  3. Register a device for push notifications (using code). It is VERY important that the device registration is done AFTER a user is logged in in the app. Watch the video below for a demonstration and an explanation.
  4. Modify the PushMission template to use smart text. The smart text must use the name property from the Users table.
  5. Send out a push notification to your device.

Watch the video below for a demonstration of the steps required to complete this task:

Third Task: Send a push notification from template using API

With this task you will send out a push notification using the API. The push notification is created from a template. You will use the code generated by Backendless Console, this makes it simpler as the code is automatically written to use the template and send a push notification from it.

For this task to be recognized as complete, the following conditions must be met:

  1. A device must be registered with Backendless. You can use the same app you used in the previous tasks.
  2. A push template must be used. You can use the same PushMission template from the previous tasks.
  3. Use the Show code icon as shown in the video below to get the API code for sending out a push notification.
  4. Use a programming language which any of the Backendless SDKs support (Android, iOS, JS, .NET).
  5. Send out a push notification using the code from (3) and make sure the device (or an emulator) receives it.

Watch the video below for a demonstration of the steps required to complete this task:

And the fourth, last task Send a push notification from template using API:

With this task you will send out a push notification using the API. The push notification is created from a template. You will use the code generated by Backendless Console, this makes it simpler as the code is automatically written to use the template and send a push notification from it.

For this task to be recognized as complete, the following conditions must be met:

  1. A device must be registered with Backendless. You can use the same app you used in the previous tasks.
  2. A push template must be used. You can use the same PushMission template from the previous tasks.
  3. Use the Show code icon as shown in the video below to get the API code for sending out a push notification.
  4. Use a programming language which any of the Backendless SDKs support (Android, iOS, JS, .NET).
  5. Send out a push notification using the code from (3) and make sure the device (or an emulator) receives it.

Watch the video below for a demonstration of the steps required to complete this task:
