distanceOnSphere with related data

is it possible to use related column name in where clause distanceOnSphere like so :
distanceOnSphere(Users[service_link].user_location, 'POINT(24.5165147-43.9238434)') <= 100000

where Users[service_link] is a column in the Users table

Hi @mohammad_altoiher

I will investigate your problem and answer as soon as possible.



I investigated your problem. Yes, in Backendless such an opportunity. But now, unfortunately, this feature is not available. Everything will work after the next release. As soon as this happens, I will notify you immediately.


any time frame for the update?


Unfortunately, I can’t precisely answer this question right now. But be sure that as soon as the update appears, you will immediately know about it.

Hello @mohammad_altoiher

We’ve just updated cloud servers with a fix for the issue you described above. Could you kindly let us know whether fix works for you well?
