Documentation for roles

is there any where i can go for documentation on the different permission in security role setting?
for example what does permission in security role setting do? permission to change?

Hi @Alan_Tan!

More information about roles and security roles you can find in our documentation by the following links:

Regards, Andriy

Hi Andriy,
Thanks for ur reply!
However, what im interested in is the difference between the different permission in security role setting like find, create, remove, create relation, permission.
Basically what does deny find does? Just stop searching? Able to return all?
What does permission under data table does? Allow will let user change the rest of the permission of the table? Deny mean no changes to permission? Whats the limitation to this permission? To data only? To schema?
If i need to setup these security role setting, i will want to know extensively whats the limitations imposed when i select allow or deny for each one.

Under “find” permission actually grouped several “find” operations - find one, find many, count. If you set this permission to deny, then user with such permission will be not able to execute this operations.
Create permission shields insert object operation. Same with other permissions.

I found one more link in documentation about our security logic -
It explains levels of our security. I think that after reading this documentation page you will have better understanding of Backendless security system.

Regards, Andriy

That page can give answers on part of your questions. Those questions that will be left without answer you can ask here again and I will try to answer them.

Regards, Andriy