Does backendless support nested queries like parse

How to use nested queries ?
If yes please provide any sample code available.

Can’t you just use a clause like “child.something = value”? That should return all objects which have a child meeting a certain criteria.


Please describe what type of data you need to retrieve.


Hi mark,

I am having two tables but there is no relation between these table.
I want to update data in second table based on data fetched from first table.
As per now i have to send multiple request which is not good.
And custom code is not much reliable.
Because its too slow and show 5 sec timeout. For resolving this issue I purchased “expand code execution time to 20sec” package but still getting 5 second timeout sometimes.

Sorry, Raushan, but this does not give me enough details. Could you describe more specifically how your data is structured and why you’re doing multiple requests?

Async - query object A

from result , use in where clause to async query object b

is it just

Backendless.Data.of( Foo.class ).find( dataQuery, new AsyncCallback<BackendlessCollection<Foo>>()
public void handleResponse( BackendlessCollection<Foo> foo)
BackendlessDataQuery dataQuery2 = new BackendlessDataQuery( Boo.Age > Foo.Size );
              Backendless.Data.of( Boo.class ).find( dataQuery2, new AsyncCallback<BackendlessCollection<Boo>>()
public void handleResponse( BackendlessCollection<Boo> boo)


public void handleFault( BackendlessFault fault )
// an error has occurred, the error code can be retrieved with fault.getCode()

public void handleFault( BackendlessFault fault )
// an error has occurred, the error code can be retrieved with fault.getCode()