duplicate rows from query

I getting duplicate rows from query that worked fine always.
It’s happened IOS & android SDK
I ran same query in Backendlesss console and i’ve notice GeoPoint field with query look like unattached but without query it’s look fine.
i’ve attached some screenshots
stringBuilder = [NSString stringWithFormat:@“categoryId = %i AND distance( %f, %f, gameCoordinates.latitude, gameCoordinates.longitude ) < km(%i) AND matchDate >= ‘%@’”,
catId,[userCurrentLocation.latitude doubleValue],[ userCurrentLocation.longitude doubleValue],distanceInKm, dateMatchRequestedString] ;
DataQueryBuilder *queryBuilder = [[DataQueryBuilder alloc] init];

[queryBuilder setWhereClause:stringBuilder];

/// set related columns

[queryBuilder addRelated:@“gameCoordinates”];
[queryBuilder addRelated:@“venue_ref”];
[queryBuilder addRelated:@“statistics”];
[queryBuilder addRelated:@“home_ref”];
[queryBuilder addRelated:@“visitor_ref”];

// request sorting
NSArray<NSString *> *sortBy = @[@“matchDate”,@“gameCoordinates”];
[queryBuilder setSortBy:sortBy];

// set offset and page size
[queryBuilder setPageSize:20];
[queryBuilder setOffset:offset];

//[queryBuilder prepareNextPage];
// =====Synchronous =====
//3. Execute QUERY : Retrieve game objects for the parameters set in query builder
gameArray = [gameStorage find:queryBuilder];

GeoQueryIssue.pdf (239.79kB)

Hi Gil,

Please let us know your application ID so we can check the issue.


Hi Mike,

I’ve sent to your email.


Hi Gil,

Thanks for reporting, we’ve opened an internal task BKNDLSS-15853 to fix the issue. We’ll get back to you in this topic when there are any news.

Hi Sergey,

I’ve noticed any query with GEOPOINT cause this issues. (it’s might help for solve).


Hello Sergey,

There is any progress? this issue cause delay us to launch app.

Please keep us posted ASAP.


Hi Gil,

The issue has been in a roadmap, so there hasn’t been any progress yet. We’ll increase its priority in a list considering that it blocks your release.
Will keep you updated it this topic, thanks for your patience!

Could you please provide an additional example of a query? I’ve been able to reproduce the duplicates in response only with ‘distance’ query like

distance( 13.720869, 100.517069, gameCoordinates.latitude, gameCoordinates.longitude ) < km(20000)