dyld: Symbol not found: ___NSArray0__ when adding SDK to my project

When adding the Backendless SDK to my Mac OS X project everything compiles fine, but when running the application it crashes and shows this in the debug console

dyld: Symbol not found: ___NSArray0__

  Referenced from: /Users/{My File Path To The Binary In Build Products}

  Expected in: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation

 in /Users/{My File Path To The Binary In Build Products}

I am running on Yosemite with XCode 7.2.

Remove libbackendless-mac.a from Build Phases (but leaving everything as it is) solves the problem. It must have to do something with your library?

Running otool -L on my binary displays the exact same list with and without libbackendless-mac.a. So it’s not any dynamic library problems in my application.

Hi Phillip,

Can you give some example code to reproduce this problem?
We will investigate this issue asap.



thanks for the fast help. I have created a small test project. This is the most simple Mac OS X app and it produces the exact same error as in my (more complex) application. I have added #defines in AppDelegate for API-KEY and SECRET, although it doesn’t matter at this time ;-).


PS: I would love to see CocoaPods Support for Mac OS X. Adding it leaves CocoaPods with an error message that osx is no supported platform. This would make setup more reliable and easy to get started I think.

BackendlessTest.zip (2.07MB)

This issue is fixed - you can get the fixed lib from github: https://github.com/Backendless/ios-SDK/tree/master/SDK/osx

I also fixed the attached project - you can try it too.

BackendlessTest.zip (2.07MB)


well. you are right. The test project works now. But my project doesn’t work. I checked the differences between my project and yours with git and I have not seen any changes in the project file, just a few header files and new binaries for the libs.

I get the exact same error that I received previously. Could you give some details what you did to fix the error, or what the error was. This way I can perhaps find the issue on my side. Perhaps it’s a problem with another library I have added.

Thanks for your help.


I’ve rebuilt the libs with ‘OS X Development Target’ = 10.8 (it was 10.11).

I don’t know what errors do you get - can you add the build log here in attachment?

Sometimes old project (created with Xcode 5, for example) requires that the following frameworks should be manually add (in Build Phases): AppKit, CFNetwork, CoreData, CoreLocation, IOKit, Security.

If you can send me your project for investigating, my email: slavav@themidnightcoders.com



it’s working now. I just had to add the CoreFoundation Framework. Thanks a lot for your help!
