Easy facebook login problem

When I am trying to use easy facebook login, it throws

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: User password cannot be null or empty

.When I add

user.setPassword("Random text");

before the login call, it fixes the error which we don’t understand but we are also unable to logout the user when using


Is there any way of logging out with facebook without using the facebook SDK? I assume backendless would provide some kind of function like that.

Backendless.UserService.logout() terminates the session which is established between the app and Backendless. However, there is also a “session” you establish between the app and Facebook and that one can be terminated using Facebook logout.

Btw, we’re removing support for easy login in version 4. Instead, it will work with regular facebook login followed by exchange of facebook’s token for BackendlessUser object.


We are currently using 3.0 version of Backendless. Do we have to use facebook SDK if we want to logout because we cannot find a method besides the LoginManager logout? Is this the “Facebook logout” you are referencing?

We are currently using 3.0 version of Backendless. Do we have to use facebook SDK if we want to logout because we cannot find a method besides the LoginManager logout? Is this the “Facebook logout” you are referencing?

Hello are you still there? Please say yes if I have to use Facebook SDK if I want to provide the funcition of log out from Facebook in my app.

Yes, you should use the Facebook SDK to logout the user.