EasyFBLogin not Working(Swift)

I have been using the easyfblogin for over a month, I have been getting a 502 bad gateway error from the lat couple of days. Is there anything wrong with the server?

This error appears every time when you run easy fb login function?
You can reproduce this error right now?

Yes, i am getting this error every time i run easy fb login.

I have attached a screenshot.

Could you provide example of your code and application id?

func easyFacebookLogin() {


        ["email":"email","id":"facebookId","name" : "name",

            "first_name": "first_name",

            "last_name" : "last_name",

            "gender": "gender"],

        permissions: ["public_profile", "email", "user_friends"],

        response: {(result : NSNumber!) -> () in

            print ("Result: \(result)")


        error: { (fault : Fault!) -> () in

            print("Server reported an error: \(fault)")




Application Id: B0AF361C-8AA4-CD18-FF63-677A5ACB5200


I just created a simple project with easy FB login, it works fine for me, I shared it. You can try it with my backendless app, then set your appId & secretKey and compare the results. Let me know how it works for you.
