Edit table, add columns

I have created a table but cannot see how to add an extra column to the created column.

Also, My mission steps have not been updated showing I succeeded creating a table.

Per-Olof Hermanss

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Hi. Provide your appId, please.
Also, just to clarify, you meant not to add an extra column to column, but to table, right ?

Application ID: 7054C448-A652-9FE8-FF9C-750BF3D80800

I created my first table, forgot 2 fields, and want to add them. I see no icon or button to add new fields.

Also I got no “points” according to the mission plan :slight_smile:



If you select the DATA SPONGE mission and then click the Declare First Data Column, you will see the instructions for adding table columns.


I have looked at that carefully, but when I go to Schema, and to my created table CMA_Addresses, I cannot see any icon or link to click in order to get the pop-up screen where I can add the definition of a new field (and then press Create).

Se my enclosed picture

This is the link to create a new column:

OK, thanks!

VERY hard to see that it has a different colour to indicate a link… I never even tried to press New.

I did try to click on the box under square, but that (of course) only ticked all the boxes of all the fields.

Maybe a stronger colour?


Now that you know where it is, you will not miss it :slight_smile: The button bar is there on all screens for consistency.


I like the “Mission” approach; it forces you to go through basic steps, I think it will be a good method to get one to learn the system!
