Editing column values of Users table

Editing column values of Users table. - It would be very good :slight_smile:

Hey there!
Nice to hear you’re planning to support this!
Any estimates on to when this will be available?


Complete user management should be available within 4 weeks. This will include the ability to add, delete, edit and search users in the console.

Thanks a lot for the insights! Is there a changelog available where we could see when the change happens?

Thanks in advance!

We plan to publish the change log as soon as we get out of Beta (should be within weeks now).


[reply user_id=1][h4]Mark Piller wrote:[/h4]Complete user management should be available within 4 weeks. This will include the ability to add, delete, edit and search users in the console.[/reply]What about API, btw?
I just ran into the problem there’s no way to update an user without actually logging in as this very user.
When I try I get this response from the API:

{"message":"Unable to update user. User accounts can be updated only by admin or by themselves.","code":3029}

Uhm, okay, how do I become admin then?

Thanks in advance,

The idea behind the API is that a user logs in to your app and wants to update their registration profile.

The lack of open editing functions for users is really a hole and it is one of our top priorities. Right now. We’re working on it at the present moment.


Hey Mark,

thanks a lot for the info, I really appreciate your open communication!
So, as-of-now, is there any way to edit a user from outside this user’s session?
I’m just asking so I don’t have to dig any deeper, I tried about anything I could think of :slight_smile:

Also, if you are working on it, anyways, could you please make sure some “disable user”-functionality will be added? Can’t seem to find one atm.

Thanks very much in advance and have a great day!


Hey Fabian,

Unfortunately, you cannot edit a user, that’s why I called it a “hole”. ((

We definitely will make the disable feature available as well as many others, like checking the status of email confirmation, last time logged in, etc.


Awesmome, thanks a lot!

This feature is on our roadmap.