Is there a problem with the email server?
I can’t get a change in mail template to send me an email.
I don’t receive an email when importing data. I was receiving emails the other day.
I can setup SMTP with a service like SocketLabs, Test says pass, and when I test the confirmation template it says email is sent, but nothing is sent.
Thanks for any guidance.
Hi Norman,
Could you please let us know what email address the messages are going out to so we can check the emails on our side?
I’ve tried many, but you can look for stuff going to — removing information after ticket is resolved —
Hello @Norman_Chui
Can you provide us with your app ID?
Regard, Viktor
AppID = — removing information after ticket is resolved —
Yesterday, using the default Backendless SMTP settings, I was not able to send an email out when testing through changing the register confirmation template. Today, I was able to. I don’t think I did anything different today, so it seems something changed server-side.
This morning, subsequently, I wanted to test via the Register User API, too, but now I’m having trouble connecting to the Backendless Console. It there an outage?
@Norman Chui
We were servicing the server from morning till noon, there may have been outages at that time.
Regard, Viktor
Mail seems to work now in all my test cases. This ticket is resolved.
Was the problem fixed in the server maintenance? Also, was the server maintenance planned or unplanned? Is there somewhere that we can check for outages or maintenance windows?
Maintenance had planned
We warn our users in slack channel.
All important messages here
Regard, Viktor