Entity with ID login not found


There seems to be an issue with backendless. When i try to login with users i have been using for weeks i get the message: {“code”:1000,“message”:“Entity with ID login not found”,“errorData”:{}}

I have been logging in with these users for the last two hours without a problem.
What can cause this error?


I am a bit confused. Is the Login API working or not?


Hi Mark,

No it is not working:


I meant that i was logging in all the time and just now it stopped working.


Could you please create a user account for me and send me userid and password? I’d like to try logging in into your app.

Userid: Ro01asl
PW: 1111

I also now have this issue in the ui-builder:

Have you tried logging in with that userid? I just did and it worked just fine, here’s a recording:

It seemed to be a temporary problem, it was down for 5 minutes and than started to work again.
For now it seems to be working again.

Glad it is resolved now.

Hi Mark,

This last weekend i also had a few connections lost with the server and today it is happening again.


Hello @Michel_Loriaux,

Sorry for the inconvenience, issue is fixed, Backendless should work fine now.