Error 1110 - Saving object failed due to incorrect datetime value specified


I have an issue saving a new record that includes a DateTime column.

My code:

Date tiempo = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
BDRondas nuevoRegistroRonda = new BDRondas();

Backendless.Data.of(BDRondas.class).save(nuevoRegistroRonda, new AsyncCallback<BDRondas>() {

When I execute it I received the following error message:

code: ‘1110’, message: ‘Column ‘Duracion’ specified twice’, detail: ‘Column ‘Duracion’ specified twice’, extendedData: ‘{}’

Please find below a screenshot including the parameters values:

Thank you in advance for your help


PS: Application ID: 02B9EC69-EECD-7DC3-FF4B-E48D8CAA4800

I’ve managed to reproduce the error.
The inner task was created [BKNDLSS-23340].
We’ll post here when it is fixed.

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Hi Oleg,

Do you have any news on this one?

Is there any workaround that I can implement?

Best regards,

Hi @Alejandro_Cuartas_Fernandez!

This problem will be fixed in next release which we expect to have on this or next week.
Unfortunatelly there is no workaround for this problem. Sorry for inconvenience.

Regards, Andriy

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Hi, @Alejandro_Cuartas_Fernandez

We’ve just updated our cloud servers with a fix for you. Please verify whether everything works fine now.
