error : 9999 License is not found

i tried to run my app after a long time (10 - 15 days) i got a 3064 error (user token expired…) so i tired to relogin now i’m getting this error which says : Server reported an error: FAULT = ‘9999’ [License is not found] <A license is needed to use a library. Contact Midnight Coders Sales to purchase the license> , no matter what kind of request i create (register , easy register via google or Facebook any fetch request from backnedless ). how can i fix it ?


Is it Online or Standalone version?

@Sergey i dont know ? how can i check it ? and the problem is not occurring any more i restarted my app sometime now its working fine. still i wanna know why it happened cause it can cause some serious damage in future.

Online version is, Standalone version is the one you download and install on your local server.

its online version then @Sergey thanks for clearing out

This is a server fault, maybe there was a kind of corruption in configuration after restart. Please report in case you receive this error again.

alright , thanks for responding.

I ran into the same problem today.

Do you have any steps to reproduce?

@seregey why marked it as solved ? i’m asking this because we still dont know why it happened and what if this error occurs in future ??

Changed status to “Cannot reproduce”.

This issue is fixed. Please update the latest Backendless SDK (pod 3.0.38 release)