Error: Calling ChildProcess.spawn method is not allowed inside Business Logic

Hello team:

I am loving Backendless.
This has allowed me to take a stab at creating an app on my own and I am close to production.

There is one use case that has got me stuck.
Need help around it.

Use case:
I capture User name, Contact and user logo and slap them onto a social media creative to personalize them for their handles.

For this image processing, I am using GraphicsMagick.
I have installed the node modules on servercode as instructed.

And I am trying to use the functions Coding Section as below:

On invoking thru API service tab, I am getting below error in log:

Need help to understand this:
Error: Calling ChildProcess.spawn method is not allowed inside Business Logic

Any pointers on what I am doing wrong?


Hi @Achilles_Pereira

Welcome to the community and thanks for using Backendless!

You are not allowed to create sub-processes inside the CloudCode for security reasons.

Instead of the GraphicsMagick try this one sharp it’s already installed there so, you do not need to install it.
just require and use

const sharp = require('sharp')

Regards, Vlad

Great. Thanks Vlad.
Will give it a try

This worked for me @vladimir-upirov.
Thank you.

Is there a place where I can see/ browse thru all the services that are already pre-installed in Backendless?
This will help me check internally before I reach out for 3rd party services in future.


Hello @Achilles_Pereira ,

Currently, we do not have a list of pre-installed Backendless services in the documentation. I will create an internal ticket BKNDLSS-30140. We’ll let you know when it’s added to the documentation.

As a temporary solution to the issue, I will provide you with a list of services that are pre-installed in Backendless:

"aws-sdk": "2.642.0",
"date-fns": "2.28.0",
"lodash": "4.17.21",
"sharp": "0.30.7"


Hi @Nazar_Dmytryshyn ,
By chance: is “date-fns” also available on the client?


Hello @Klaas_Klever ,

Do you mean in UI Builder? If yes, then “date-fns” is not available there


That’s what I meant.

Thank you Nazar for the quick response.!

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Hello @Achilles_Pereira,

Please create a new support topic and describe your issue there.
Current topic is closed and related to different problem.

