Error code 9010 Invalid social identity

When i am trying to login using loginWithGooglePlusSdk the result is BackendlessFault code - 9010 Invalid social identity.

Hi Alex,

What is the operating system on the client side?


Android 5.1.1

Hi, Alex.
Did you try our sample for loginWithGooglePlusSdk?
You’ll need to provide your Google+ application Client ID (Google Plus ID) and Client secret (Google Plus Secret) in Backendless Console. Also replace SERVER_CLIENT_ID with your Google+ application Client ID in the sample code.
Please tell us how it works for you.

If i am using loginWithGooglePlusSdk and not loginWithGooglePlus i am still need to provide Google+ application Client ID (Google Plus ID) and Client secret (Google Plus Secret) in Backendless Console?

You can try loginWithGooglePlus (so called “easy login”) without specifying Google+ credentials. In this case credentials of Backendless Demo Google+ application will be used. You can use our loginWithGooglePlus sample by generating the code in Backendless Console - go to “Codegeneration” tab, choose Android platform, IDE of your choice, check “Google Plus login” checkbox and press “Download project” button below.
Tell us how it works for you, so I can reproduce your problem and help you fix it.