Error during server code deployment (v4)


I recently migrated my application to Backendless v4, including the associated business logic.

When trying to deploy (npm run deploy) through Coderunner, I’m receiving this error:

23:37:17.245 - CodeRunner(tm) Backendless JavaScript CodeRunner v4.3.0-beta.4
23:37:17.247 - Copyright(C) 2017 Backendless Corp. All rights reserved.
23:37:17.352 - Error: require(...).publish is not a function

The debug portion of Coderunner works - I reinstalled node_modules after upgrading package.json to ensure the coderunner library is up-to-date (as you can see in the log output).

Thanks for report Cameron

The issue is fixed in backendless-coderunner@4.3.0-beta.5
Please update


Thanks so much for the quick response. I’ll update now.

Much appreciated!