Error following merge of latest native mobile app shell


This morning, I merged the latest native mobile app shell, and one issue arises with the new code that I can’t manage to solve.

Here is the error message :

The argument type 'Future<void> Function(RemoteMessage)' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'Future<void> Function(NotificationResponse?)?'.

I managed to “solve” the issue by commenting

// onTapPushActionAndroid: onTapAndroid,

as well as the entire function :

  // static Future<void> onTapAndroid(RemoteMessage message) async {
  //   print(
  //       'onTapAndroid section called. bridge_ui_builder_functions.dart file, 309 line');
  // }

But it doesn’t seem right.

I have searched the entire project and can’t find any reference to either RemoteMessage or NotificationResponse.

Hello, @Nicolas_REMY.

Thank you for report I will fix today.

Regards, Nikita.

I released the new version with fix

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