I’m new to Backendless and I’m still finding ways to implement basic functionality such as error handling.
I see that codeless includes try/catch and throw blocks but I’m still looking for a way to handle exceptions at the top most level - we would like to make sure that any error is intercepted by us without having to systematically put try/catch blocks everywhere in all UI event handlers.
With other frameworks it is possible to configure the interception of errors at the highest level, in case the app code doesn’t do it.
This would allow us to consistently handle errors and control the messages to the user in our own error window with app look and branding.
Is this possible to do with backendless ?
Hi Volodymyr.
I’m using codeless in UI Builder and API Services, not yet in Event Handlers.
However, what I’m looking for concerns the UI.
I’m looking into intercept in UI, at the highest level possible, in just one place (if possible), all errors (exceptions), to make sure we have a default error handling behaviour and user experience, not depending on if the logic of a specific component catches and does anything with the error.
Hi @Paulo_Mira ,
Unfortunately, at the moment we do not have such functionality that would allow us to catch an error at the very top level of the application,
I discussed it with the team and created an internal ticket to implement this functionality. Thank you for this suggestion, you help make Backendless better.
We will additionally inform in this topic when this will be implemented.