ERROR! More then 5 subscriptions per one connection

I am using Pub/Sub
i am facing issue
Error processing a message BackendlessFault{ code: 'null', message: '{code=0, details={limit=5}, message=Reached Limit: you can not have more then 5 subscriptions per one connection}', detail: 'null', extendedData: '{}' }


I have implemented the code in 2 android apps

App A
App B

App A sends a message and App B is receiving the message
when App B sends the message the message gets published but App A never receive the message

Hello @Saad_Zahoor2

We will investigate the issue and report the result as soon as possible.



Unfortunately, I was unable to reproduce your problem.
I have a few questions for you:

  1. Is the problem reproducible for you?
  2. Provide your App ID.
  3. On what devices have you tested the messenger?
  4. When AppB sends a message, does it show as successfully sent?
  5. Have you tried sending messages from the Backendless Console (Messaging >> Messages)? If so, is it for AppB?
  1. didn’t get you
  2. 6E1677DA-04FF-4D63-80CC-B7DE756AEF66
  3. Samsung A5 2016
  4. Yes, I received the message in App A
  5. Didn’t try this one! Will try it

Hi @Saad_Zahoor2,

Whenever your code uses any of the following methods, a real-time subscription is created. Depending on the pricing plan your app is on, there is a limit for the number of real-time subscriptions. Make sure to check the app logic that you properly remove subscriptions to ensure you do not run into the limit:

  • addCreateListener - can be removed with this.
  • addUpdateListener - can be removed with this.
  • addDeleteListener - can be removed with this.


I am keep getting this error
{message=Reached Limit: you can not have more then 5 subscriptions per one connection, code=0, details={limit=5}}

I have a listener in my service

int token = App.getAppInstance().getIncomingOutgoingRideDetails().getInt(Constants.TOKEN, 0);
whereClause = Constants.TOKEN + " = " + token;
rtHandler.addBulkUpdateListener(whereClause, new AsyncCallback<BulkEvent>() {
    public void handleResponse(BulkEvent response) {
        DataQueryBuilder queryBuilder = DataQueryBuilder.create();

        Log.i("ServicePPP", "I am inside the backendless listener !! successfully whereclause -> " + whereClause);
        Backendless.Data.of(PassengerChauffeurConnection.class).find(queryBuilder, new AsyncCallback<List<PassengerChauffeurConnection>>() {
            public void handleResponse(List<PassengerChauffeurConnection> response) {
                if (response.size() == 1) {




            public void handleFault(BackendlessFault fault) {



    public void handleFault(BackendlessFault fault) {


and when I destroy the service i am calling


but still, I am getting the error

plus i want to ask one more thing your real-time SDK does not even make sense, I wanted to ask this question long before but things were working fine so that why I did not

I want to listen to 1 object from a table where token=123 so why I am using bulk listener, does not bulk stands for many ???

and is there any way to check out the subscriptions limit from backendless console?

Hi @Saad_Zahoor2

I want to listen to 1 object from a table where token=123

Then why do you use bulk listener? You should use single update listener in this case:

I am keep getting this error
{message=Reached Limit: you can not have more then 5 subscriptions per one connection, code=0, details={limit=5}}

Try to create simple listener within your app and check if the problem persists.
There may be a lot of causes. I can suggest to check the following:

  • do you create one listener per service?
  • do you create one service at the time?
  • can you check if service is destroyed correctly?

Best Regards,

I am trying to solve this error but I am still getting the same error

E/RTClient: got error {message=Reached Limit: you can not have more then 5 subscriptions per one connection, code=0, details={limit=5}}

I have several questions:

  1. How can I know how many subscriptions are active?

  2. What is the meaning of subscriptions??

  3. Does this subscription related to pub/sub?

  4. How one should make the subscriptions 0, by removing the listeners?

  5. What I understand from a subscription that on the free plan I can have 5 instances to listen to the back endless real-time database. Am I right?

  6. Sometimes the value gets updated in the console but the trigger does not get triggered. I have manually go and update the value then code working fine.

  1. There is no such option
  2. Subscription is rt connection between server and client
  3. Yes
  4. Yes, you should remove listeners
  5. Yes free plan allows only 5 instances
  6. Make sure you add update listener, not bulkupdate