Hello! I have got the following error “Backendless encountered an error while handling the request. An internal trouble ticket with ID 1CAE5EC1-269B-1D25-FF2E-75FC1569FD00 has been created and we will be investigating the issue” if I try to run REST request to custom logic from web browser (it works fine from Postman).
Hi, Andrey.
I’ve tried to make the request from your example and got error.
Could you clarify, what proper query should be?
I used this one: {courses(id:"67725915-C200-5929-FFB3-F727A834E500"){id,title,description,sessionSetCount}}
I also noticed that you have two similar methods. One of them is mapped on GET and other on POST. The POST method works without errors.
Thanks! I just understood that I should urlencode it. Now it works.