Error occurred running REST request to custom logic from browser

Hello! I have got the following error “Backendless encountered an error while handling the request. An internal trouble ticket with ID 1CAE5EC1-269B-1D25-FF2E-75FC1569FD00 has been created and we will be investigating the issue” if I try to run REST request to custom logic from web browser (it works fine from Postman).

Request example: GET{courses(id:"67725915-C200-5929-FFB3-F727A834E500"){id,title,description,sessionSetCount}}

Hi, Andrey.
I’ve tried to make the request from your example and got error.
Could you clarify, what proper query should be?
I used this one: {courses(id:"67725915-C200-5929-FFB3-F727A834E500"){id,title,description,sessionSetCount}}

I also noticed that you have two similar methods. One of them is mapped on GET and other on POST. The POST method works without errors.

Thanks! I just understood that I should urlencode it. Now it works.