Error occurred while assigning data binding to Repeater Row data elements

Application ID: DEC6B808-645B-7B62-FF97-8D7C3B617700

Oops. An internal error [f0630a8653511bcdb598a5193a9ea29f] has occurred. We are working on it. Please try again later

Problem description

I was assigning name to the content logic for performing data binding. Fieldname = cmpname. Error occurred when I attempted to move from LOGIC back to UI in order to move to next field to be selected for data binding.

Steps to reproduce

I have a container inside a Cell. Row 1 is a Title. Row 2 is a header row. Row 3 is a Repeating Row. Row 3 is where I was setting up the data binding. Source data has 7 data elements per row, 2 text, 3 bool, 2 int.

Please describe steps to reproduce starting from the first action.

Hello Richard Munger (@Richard_Munger)!

Could you please let me know on which page this logic is located?
If the page contains a lot of other logic, could you create a test page with only the logic you described, so that we can check it without affecting the operation of your application?


Page is Dash00

I can’t see this error. Is it still reproducible?
The only error I noticed is in the preview (it indicates that you are trying to access a property of an undefined object).

bundle.js:65 Uncaught (in promise) 
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'cmpname')
    at getObjectProperty (bundle.js:65:45)
    at GetClientJourney (bundle.js:98:70)
    at async onEnter (bundle.js:201:3)


I cannot reproduce. The issue occurred suddenly while I was trying to assign names to field “cmpname” for data binding. I reported it because the system prompted me to do so.