Error on Custom function

Hi Team,

While trying to opening my custom function getting rerror

a.a.Xml.textToDom(…).querySelector is not a function

My Application :: CEE6C01E-DD2D-47F5-BE7A-2EF06B5AA69D

Hello @Vinod_Sahu

Could you please clean your local storage?
Don’t forget to deploy your unsaved business logic, if you don’t do this, you lost your changes without the possibility to restore them.

Open the DevTools(F12) and click here

If it not help, can you say if it’s happening with all of the custom functions or certain ones? And directly when? On tab opening or when trying to open function?

Regards, Dima.

No Working.

It happening with all functions. I am using mozila braowser

@Vinod_Sahu I have captured this error and create an internal ticker BKNDLSS-24554.

Sorry for the inconvenience. At this moment you can work with custom functions at Chrome, when we fix an issue with Firefox we notify you.

Regards, Dima.

Hello @Vinod_Sahu

We’ve just updated cloud servers with a fix for the issue with Firefox you described above. Could you kindly let us know whether fix works for you well?
