Error sending email

I found this error during a send of an email:

Screen Shot 2022-07-05 at 17.58.47

Thanks, Mario

Hello @Mario_Ghersi

Is this error still reproduced?

I found problems with the name of the attachment if I have spaces. Now it’s working.
Also could be a problem with a null name at the attachment.

Thanks, Mario

Hi, @Mario_Ghersi

Can I ask you to provide us with an example of the attachment file name that causes the error. We will check it on our side and make a ticket to make error message human friendly for this case.


This is the full link:

For email i just used:


I change to:



And problem solved.

Diego Maradona is a legend!

Yes this is the new 6 meters tall and 2 tons in bronze at the newest soccer stadium in Argentina. He brings the Mexico '86 world cup and the '90 runner-up. Now all the hopes to Quatar '22 are with Messi!

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Hi, @Mario_Ghersi

I looked to the issue and it was related to the attachemnt which was null. This was a known issue BKNDLSS-28217, the ticket is in the queue to be fixed.
There is no error when sending emails with an attachment name like /WhatsApp+Image+2022-07-02+at+9.10.49+PM.jpeg. So next time there is no need to rename the file. As for the bug, we will fix it in one of the next releases. Thank you for letting us know about the issue you had.
