Error: Unable to publish model. Failed to execute 'append' on 'FormData': parameter 2 is not of type 'Blob'

Is this problem still persisting? I am getting a similar error.

Hi, @Noah_Caldwell

The ticket has an open status, we will let you know when it is released.


Any comments on Eric’s workaround of changing the underlying backendless-request package code? I need to deploy, can’t fall back to an old version of node, but don’t want to change something that might break a production app. Using require looks harmless, but I’d like to be sure. Thank you.

Hello @Kelly_Oglesby,

We can not guarantee that everything will work after manual changes in the library source code. But you may try it and see if it works for you too.

Soon we will release a new version of Coderunner with support for node v18, so this workaround will be not needed anymore.
We will notify everyone about this release here in this thread.