@Social_Smarttwigs, Let’s try the following. Please check the package.json file. What version of backendless-coderunner do you have there? Try to update to the latest version, which is 6.5.2. Will be waiting for you reply
I’m not sure what could be causing this error as I can’t even deploy previous builds that were deployable. All I can assume is that the error lies within the “backendless-request” package that I stated before:
Sorry for delay with response.
Could you please provide value of “formData” variable as my colleague asked TC before? We need this value for better understanding of problem. Please check and blur before posting personal data if it present.
we use in our BackendlessRequest the following FormData module https://www.npmjs.com/package/form-data and it supports using Streams and Buffers on the NodeJS env
we have an issue with deploying using node version 18.x.
An internal ticket has been created for this problem (BKNDLSS-29664).
As a workaround, you can use node v14x.