Error updating user property iOS

Hi. I am trying to update user data in iOS:

usuario = [backendless.userService update:usuario error:&fault];

where usuario = backendless.userService.currentUser. I always get this message:

Password change is available only when Backendless Plus is enabled for the application, message: Password change is available only when Backendless Plus is enabled for the application

But i am not trying to change password. I am changing some other user properties but I always get this message.

Hi. Could you check this?


A change to the server-side is pending which will remove this message.

The problem is a side effect of the SDK sending user object with the password and the server-side thinks this is a password update operation.

Should be fixed shortly.


Hi, Andres.
You can check this issue.

Now i am getting this message:

Cannot update object without any properties

But this is not true, i am sending an object with some properties:

<BackendlessUser> {

"__meta" = "empresasAfiliadas:0F0471A4-5B29-0A45-FF5C-D612C882F100,5287EE99-E844-0224-FFA5-CB4259C0B200";

apellido1 = "&lt;null&gt;";

apellido2 = "&lt;null&gt;";

ciudad = "&lt;null&gt;";

codigoPostal = "&lt;null&gt;";

created = "2014-03-04 08:08:38 +0000";

domicilio = "&lt;null&gt;";

email = "";

empresa = "&lt;null&gt;";

empresasAfiliadas =     (

    "&lt;Empresa: 0x10c26edb0&gt;",

    "&lt;Empresa: 0x10c272180&gt;"


fechaNacimiento = "1986-02-20 23:00:00 +0000";

lastLogin = "2014-05-16 08:08:14 +0000";

local = "&lt;null&gt;";

nombre = Andres;

numDocumento = "&lt;null&gt;";

objectId = "9473EA20-F058-466F-FF70-F107A166F400";

ownerId = "&lt;null&gt;";

pais = "&lt;null&gt;";

password = 70b114b9d9c09b516c6694acbdfceaf3;

telefono = "&lt;null&gt;";

tipoUsuario = 1;

updated = "2014-04-24 20:44:12 +0000";

"user-token" = "17FFCEC3-95D6-FFC9-FF75-9880C03D5A00";


Could you please check it?


Hi Andrés,

Do you update it from iOS?


Andrés, please send me app id of this application.

Send this info via email:

Hi Mark.

Yes, i am updating user data from iOS. I have tried it again and i am getting the same message:

Fault, detail: Cannot update object without any properties, message: Cannot update object without any properties

Катя, i will send you an email.


I have tried this again and it is working now. I think it may be fixed with last Backendless updates.


I am getting a similar error when using backendless api for Flex. Whenever i update a user property, when i try to login again with the same user i get “Invalid user/password”.