error: User has no permission to create entity

I’ve downloaded the javascript SDK, and have tried all of the examples, but keep getting permissions errors.

For example, I tried the “user-service” example, and when I try and register a user, i get:

error: User has no permission to create entity backendless.min.js:18

I’ve also tried the “file-service” example, and the “messaging-service” example, and get permissions errors on all of them.

I’ve double checked my application id, and javascript secret, and they’re correct.

Any suggestions?



Hi Brad,

I just tried reproducing the problem, but it worked for me. Here are the exact steps:

    Downloaded the SDK from the site and extracted the files from the ZIP. (I am on a Mac OS X) Logged in to console and created a new app In the console navigated to the app's Manage>App Settings screen On my computer opened /backendless-js-sdk/examples/user-service/js/user-example.js Copy/pasted application id and JS secret key from the backendless console to the top 2 lines in user-example.js. Saved the file Opened /backendless-js-sdk/examples/user-service/index.html in a browser (just double-click to open the file, you do not need to deploy it to a web server). The registration screened appeared, I entered user registration info and clicked Register. There were no errors and user was successfully created.
Did you do anything differently?


Hey! Thanks for the quick response - I tried downloading the SDK again, and put in my app id and secret, and the sample failed still (I also checked the data browser in the console, and there were no entries there as well)

I then tried creating a new app, and using that, and putting it’s app id and javascript secret in, and it worked.

I diffed my user-example.js files, and they both look identical except for the app id and secret of course (which I’ve deleted some of the middle below, just to show that the beginning and end parts look right)

$ diff ./backendless/sdk/examples/user-service/js/user-example.js ./backendless2/backendless-js-sdk/examples/user-service/js/user-example.js 9:24:42
< var APPLICATION_ID = ‘E63DE6…D89D00’;
< var SECRET_KEY = ‘C526259…5900’;

var APPLICATION_ID = ‘77A191…F0E00’;
var SECRET_KEY = ‘5F6B785B…0A7500’;

So I still think there’s an issue with that first app - why, I don’t know. But at least I’ve got it going for the 2nd app, and it seems to work great there…

