Error with addrelation

Hi, I get such error: “Backendless encountered an error while handling the request. An internal trouble ticket with ID 01FDCECC-1403-4005-FF1D-5036F4224B00 has been created and we will be investigating the issue” when I try to add a relation. Can you check that.
APP od : 1B92F985-D9EF-9689-FFAC-C7E5FE5F2A00.

There’s a discrepancy in the internal database because of which you get these errors. For now the only solution I see is to delete the table and recreate it on console, so that everything could be reset properly.

In order to get a clue to how the database ended up in this broken state, could you please tell us how and when was this table created and modified?

I can’t remember when I created it. But what I remember that it was some problem with backendless database. Because I remember that I had lost some table a few times and I recreated them. I use to create tables by using Backendless console. Anyway I will try to delete the table and create it again.

There is some weird happening! So after I recreated tables I created some “dataRelation” columns. Even they was created successfully I can’t see the “parent” relations when I open the table in " DATA BROWSER" mode?

When you delete a table, all relations to this table are deleted as well. Therefore, if you haven’t recreated them, you won’t see them. Is that what you are referring to?

Yes I know that. Therefor I recreated all relations.

I can give you an example. the table “current_rms_company_members” has 3 parent relations. but on “data browser” mode it shows only tow parent relations?

So did you find out what is going?

Do you mean these parent columns in Data Browser? Because I can see three of them.

Probably there’s some browser cache you need to reset, I’d first try an anonymous tab or another browser to validate that.

Well, it seams that it works now. But I think that I refreshed the browser yesterday. Anyway thanks for responds.