Error with my amount of tables

I’m having a problem with my app. When i log in in backendless, there is a message that say’s “Your application has exceeded a limit of the Data Tables on the current plan. All API calls will be blocked within 48 hours after the limit is exceeded.”, but when i count the amount of tables, i have 16 and my current plan (which price is $7.99) let me 20 tables, so i don’t know why it show’s me that.

Matias Navarro

Hi Matias,

What is your application ID?


Hi Mark,
It is " B6274F14-A3B9-8EDB-FFC8-9AC7DC273900 "

Hi Mati,

Please take a look at the info provided on the Manage > Billing page of the Backendless Console. Specifically, when you click the “show current usage” link, you will see the following:</img>


Thanks Mark !