
func fetchingFirstPageAsync() {

print("\n============ Fetching first page using the ASYNC API ============")

let startTime = NSDate()

let query = BackendlessDataQuery()
response: { ( restaurants : BackendlessCollection!) -> () in
let currentPage = restaurants.getCurrentPage()
print(“Loaded (currentPage.count) restaurant objects”)
print(“Total restaurants in the Backendless starage - (restaurants.totalObjects)”)

for restaurant in currentPage as! [Restaurant] {
print(“Restaurant name = (restaurant.status)”)

print(“Total time (ms) - (1000*NSDate().timeIntervalSinceDate(startTime))”)
error: { ( fault : Fault!) -> () in
print(“Server reported an error: (fault)”)
I am very confused right now , i have created a new project and tested this and it works but in my current app i test it and it gaves me this error ============ Fetching first page using the ASYNC API ============
Loaded 4 restaurant objects
Total restaurants in the Backendless starage - 4
fatal error: NSArray element failed to match the Swift Array Element type

I have no idea why it the same code

Hi Khoo,

Please try this sample:

class Location : NSObject {


    var objectId : String?

    var created : NSDate?

    var updated : NSDate?


    var ownerId : String?

    var phoneNumber : String?

    var streetAdress : String?

    var city : String?


class Restaurant : NSObject {
    var objectId : String?
    var created : NSDate?
    var updated : NSDate?
    var ownerId : String?
    var name : String?
    var cuisine : String?
    var locations : [Location]?
    var owner : BackendlessUser?


class ViewController: UIViewController {
 let APP_ID = "CF47722D-EB7B-A0D0-FFE3-1FADE3346100"
 let SECRET_KEY = "43B43EF7-247A-ED56-FF2F-ECD43C6E9000"
 let VERSION_NUM = "v1"
 var backendless = Backendless.sharedInstance()
 override func viewDidLoad() {
 backendless.initApp(APP_ID, secret:SECRET_KEY, version:VERSION_NUM)
 func fetchingFirstPageAsync() {
 print("\n============ Fetching first page using the ASYNC API ============")
 let startTime = NSDate()
 let query = BackendlessDataQuery()
 response: { ( restaurants : BackendlessCollection!) -> () in
 let currentPage = restaurants.getCurrentPage()
 print("Loaded \(currentPage.count) restaurant objects")
 print("Total restaurants in the Backendless starage - \(restaurants.totalObjects)")
 for restaurant in currentPage as! [Restaurant] {
 print("Restaurant name = \(")
 print("Total time (ms) - \(1000*NSDate().timeIntervalSinceDate(startTime))")
 error: { ( fault : Fault!) -> () in
 print("Server reported an error: \(fault)")

Here is my app:</img>

Here is a log of the code above:</img>
So, I cannot reproduce this issue.
Please add here YOUR class ViewController implementation demonstrating the problem.


It is damn weird on xcode i move everything from my current app to a new project it works but on my current project it damn error . I hope anyone can explain why but it seems like it compiler bug or something . I have solve it by moving all my file to a new project dk why is this happening