When calling the following api, which is cited in the current documentation, only the portion of the call saving the data appears to work. The nested json that should both create a relation with a Geopoint and persist the latitude/longitude data in the Geopoint table does not appear to get a response when sent via api. Below is the url of the api call, the json that is sent, and then the json that is returned by the api (all performed within Postman). I also included the information found within the “headers” portion of Postman, although I am not sure if it means anything:
//this is the json sent to api endpoint:
“Race”: “White”,
“Hair_Color”: “Blonde”,
“Sex”: “Male”,
“___class”: “GeoPoint”,
“latitude”: 34.268491,
“longitude”: -105.596403,
//this is the json returned from the api call:
“created”: 1532930493497,
“Race”: “White”,
“Sex”: “Male”,
“___class”: “incident_test”,
“ownerId”: null,
“updated”: null,
“Hair_Color”: “Blonde”,
“objectId”: “9623FB28-7B20-74F9-FFC9-8BCC86706400”
under ‘headers’
access-control-allow-headers →Origin, application-type, Content-Type, request, user-token, auth-keyaccess-control-allow-methods →POST, GET, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE, PATCHaccess-control-allow-origin →chrome-extension://fhbjgbiflinjbdggehcddcbncdddomopcache-control →no-cache, : no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, privateconnection →keep-alivecontent-length →182content-type →application/jsondate →Mon, 30 Jul 2018 06:02:58 GMTexpires →Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMTpragma →: no-cacheserver →nginx