Event handler for deepsave

We are running on Cloud 99.

We are using the Javascript API to make a Deepsave request.
This saves an object in one table and creates relations to two others.

I need to setup an event handler to make an event based on whether the ownerId of the newly created object in table 1 is the same as the ownerId of the object in table2 and make an action accordingly.

I can see a transaction event occuring and have logged “req” to the console, but I can’t see the detail of the requests that were made as part of the transaction. Is there a way to see the detail of the newly created post and the relationship request?

Hi Tony,

The individual operations are created from the structure of the initial request. The event handler provides access to the original request, which is the standard “nomenclature” for all API event handlers we support. In order to retrieve the owner id of the corresponding objects, you’d need to extract their objectId from the request and perform a database lookup to get that value.
