I m trying to set up a MAKE Event Handler that triggers when ever an object is created in a certain table. I don’t think i reached any handler limit so far, while I get following message:
[403] You have reached the plan’s limit. To increase the limit you need to purchase the ‘Unlimited Business Logic Scripts’ function pack from the Marketplace or upgrade to a plan with bigger limits
Hi @Christian_Weber
You can find all event handlers on the following screen
I know, I can see the handler there, but it is still giving me the error message.
you can see a draft version (blue color), and when it tries to deploy it the system throws the exception since the limit has been reached
you can check your billing plan usages on the Manage → Billing screen
Thanks, so in the scale plan the limit is 5?
to monitor that a user is deleted are both handlers: beforeRemove and afterRemove required? since it takes two handler spots
Thanks, so in the scale plan the limit is 5?
yes, Business Logic scripts is a sum of Event Handlers and Timers