Exception: 452 4.3.1 Insufficient system storage

I received this error by email when trying to send an email. Is this on your end or our SMTP provider?

Application name: MFPortal
Application ID: EEE25B20-17FA-97DD-FF29-EC45A5072A00
Message: Error occurred during template-based email sending. Subject ‘Your hard work paid off!’. Recipients [REMOVED]. Email template ‘OrderConfirmation’
Exception: 452 4.3.1 Insufficient system storage

Hello @Tim_Jones

I am not able to reproduce the issue, I have sent the email with the following curl:

curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{
      "template-name": "OrderConfirmation",
      "addresses": ["email@gmail.com"],
      "template-values": {}
    }' 'https://api.backendless.com/EEE25B20-17FA-97DD-FF29-EC45A5072A00/<api-key>/emailtemplate/send'


  "messageId": "mail:fe7b539e-4388-4b09-b935-5d9a73c5ef7c",
  "status": "SCHEDULED",
  "errorMessage": null,
  "sendingTimeInMillis": null,
  "successfulSendsAmount": null,
  "failedSendsAmount": null

I have checked the email status with the following curl:

curl -X GET 'https://api.backendless.com/EEE25B20-17FA-97DD-FF29-EC45A5072A00/<api-key>/messaging/mail:fe7b539e-4388-4b09-b935-5d9a73c5ef7c'


  "status": "published",
  "sendingTimeInMillis": null,
  "failedSendsAmount": null,
  "errorMessage": null,
  "messageId": "mail:fe7b539e-4388-4b09-b935-5d9a73c5ef7c",
  "successfulSendsAmount": null

And I have received the email

Can you confirm this is a backendless error and not my SMTP email provider error? Was it your server that reported being out of storage?

I received the two error noticed on Jan 4, around 5:40 PM ET.


@Tim_Jones ,

Sorry for a long delay with response.
It is definitely not our system problem since all application emails are sent by provided by you SMTP server. For example, if to search in Google by “452 4.3.1 Insufficient system storage” you will find a lot of results associated with different SMTP servers.

Regards, Andriy

Thanks, @Andriy_Konoz.
