Exception with Google Play Purchase Validation

Using Android SDK version : Backendless SDK v1.10 for Android, released 08.11.2014.

and after setting the configuration Manage - App Settings - Google Play In-App Purchase Validation,

We get an exception with the following methods: validatePlayPurchase()、 getPlaySubscriptionsStatus()、 cancelPlaySubscription() , validatePlayPurchase(), cancelPlaySubscription() :

BackendlessException{ code: ‘13003’, message: 'Request to googleapis.com failed: 400 Bad Request


“error” : “invalid_grant”

}’ }

And for more info:

getPlaySubscriptionsStatus(): BackendlessException{ code: ‘Server.Processing’, message: ‘WebORB security has rejected access to method com.backendless.services.commerce.CommerceService.getPlaySubscriptionsStatus. see server log or contact system administrator’ }

It will be fixed in a few minutes.



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