Export (Sync) Data From Backendless to MySQL

I would like to know if there is a way to export all data within my Backendless DB to a mySQL DB. I saw some links to using external databases with backendless but when I go to the link I am met with a page not found.

I believe I am using Backendless v5.4.1.

Thank you in advance

you can export data to csv Backendless -> Manage -> Export and then try to import to your db

Hi @Jason_Brown1, if you still have the link which gives you 404, please let me know.


Hi Mr Mark, I was trying to access the following 2 links to see if I could get the information I need for my inquiry:



Hello Mr Sergey,

Thank you for your reply, I apologize for not being more specific. I was wondering if there is a way to automate these imports on a daily/weekly basis.

Kind regards,


Hi Jason
Thanks for pointing us about these links, we’ve re-designed our web site a few weeks ago and some links may be broken, we will try to find correct links for you

Thank you for your reply, I apologize for not being more specific. I was wondering if there is a way to automate these imports on a daily/weekly basis.

Unfortunately, we do not provide this functionality, but maybe the following info will be interesting for you External Databases | Backendless Backend as a Service Platform

Regards, Vlad

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Thank you for the prompt response Mr Vladimir.