I just started an export of a clients database (appId: 3EC9156B-FDDA-1998-FF35-4DA70D8C2800) and it failed with this email response:
Backendless finished export your data unsuccessfully for application: greylabelz.
The Export log located in File Service in export directory.
You can download exported zip file from File-Service.
Download link: null
See export log bellow:
1 16:04:06 EXPORT Export started
2 16:04:06 EXPORT Exporting table: GeoPoint
3 16:04:07 EXPORT Exporting table: Setcard__c
4 16:04:07 EXPORT Exporting table: CategorySubcategory__c
5 16:04:07 EXPORT Exporting table: Brand__c
6 16:04:07 EXPORT Exporting table: Buyer__c
7 16:04:07 EXPORT Exporting table: Loggers
8 16:04:07 EXPORT Exporting table: Attachment__c
9 16:04:13 EXPORT Exporting table: Booking__c
10 16:04:13 EXPORT Exporting table: Contact__bak
11 16:04:13 EXPORT Exporting table: Contact__c
12 16:04:13 EXPORT Exporting table: Users
13 16:04:13 EXPORT Exporting table: Attachment__bak
14 16:04:13 EXPORT Exporting Application Settings
15 16:04:14 EXPORT Generating export.zip
16 16:04:16 EXPORT Export failed null